Thursday 27 June 2013

John Phammy Pham

Alright calm down ladies. This man here is the one and only John Phammy Pham. Now im sure your busy admiring his awesome hair and Korean good looks but continue reading this shit. So a little background on this guy basically I have known him since the beginning of high school and in the few years which followed he has become one of my best mates and most trusted bro's. He is 16 and is actually Vietnamese and single for all you horny bitches out there. Now lets go onto the topic at hand which is his actual personality and bullshit.

John in a nut shell (yes I have a lot of friends named John) is a top block with an attitude of gold. Never have seen this dude angry or upset. He is extremely chill and a guy that's easy to have a chat. However his not boring by any means and is actually a funny cunt once you get to know the bloke. He is always the first guy to laugh and makes every situation seem less tense. On top of that he is a loyal and trust worthy friend which I can rely when ever I need something.

He is also into his gaming. The amount of times I hear this bloke talk about LOL or Dota is too damn high! But hey its a fun game and im shit as fuck at it so im in no position to complain. In recent years John actually went to Bass Control 2012 with me! Never knew the bloke can dance and party so hard. Pretty fucking funny seeing him gabber the night away to hardcore and hardstyle. Im sure he will a regular on future raves and I already have my eyes on Defqon and Stereosonic with this sick cunt soon!

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