Wednesday 26 June 2013


Peteblock: The deadliest of the male cockblocks. He is known for his relentless annoying approach and mercilessness towards his fellow male comrades. If you ever suspect of approaching a woman  make sure to take great care in observing if your surroundings are safe before making your move.

The Peteblock is truly the master of cockblocking to the point where the guy in Wedding Dress looks bad. If you see him approaching quickly and smoothly try to move away. This is a very hard procedure as he is extremely persistent and aggressive. NEVER stay and try and blend him in because the guy has no common sense and direction to get your signals of anger and annoyance. If approached by an aggressive peteblock first do not make eye contact. This will reassure him of your discontent of his arrival and maybe he will leave. If this does not work try your best to ignore him and make sure your female interest is not completely scared out of her mind by him. A few minutes of this ignoring is usually what it takes to repel such an attack. However keep in mind this is the peteblock. The most dangerous of the male cockblocks and as such should be treated with great care and with the assistance of trained professionals who can handle him safely.

 If you have been peteblocked before let me reassure you that you will be forever anxious. I myself have been a victim of this vicious attack multiple times and I urge all Australian males to take great care when confronted by a Peteblock. Be sure to travel and have your close friends by however remember a peteblock is a deadly adversary and even the most experienced of wing mans can be crushed beneath his great cocblocking influence.

If you are the girl be sure to aid in repelling this attack against the male being targeted. This will not only save him a world of pain but save you the pain as well. Now remember always be aware of your surroundings and carry a fully loaded can of pepper spray if all else fails.

- Jason Tran
-Professional in the Peteology

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