Wednesday 26 June 2013

John Vagina Vargas

Oh boy...where to begin with this dude. Basically Iv known this guy since primary and now his like one of my best mates. However out of everyone in our group he probably has more things to tease him about then most of us. John is a 16 year old black Filipino bloke with a strong passion in dancing (very good at it).

Now this is where the bullshit starts. It has been a reoccurring gag in our group to tease John about his nervousness and shyness to girls. Poor John would have so much trouble talking to girls I would sometimes have to yell at his ass for a good hour to get him to even say hi! However this is the past since he can now speak very well to the ladies. John is also one of the biggest homophobes ever. Not saying his the type to bash a gay person however he seems to be very uncomfortable around them to the point where when John The Poor Nguyen touched his leg. He immediately brushed Johns hand off quicker then Peter cockblocks. We then began to tease and creep him out by touching him and making him want to cry like a little girl. It got the point where he was about to run away from us!

John also is a very awkward person in general which is why he is so awesome. There was a point where I thought he was the physical embodiment of  awkwardness. John has probably tripped more times then peter has cockblocked. Good example would be the time he completely stacked it out of my car, or ran into a pole and scarred his knee...or fucking up his knee while dancing and getting slapped in the process. He once even took 1 hour to make a phone call to a person I will not name.

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