Wednesday 26 June 2013

Lift Fags

Alright this is quite a controversial topic and is based on my experiences. So to begin with what is a lift fag? A lift fag is an individual who begins weight training exclusively because of the trend. Everybody im sure these days have heard of the saying "DO YOU EVEN LIFT?". Personally I believe it is this slogan which has contributed to the creation of the lift fag. These lift fags join gyms because its "Cool" and something that nearly every teenager is doing these days, why? Well quite simply cause they are influenced by movies and their own friends.

Now how do you identify a lift fag?It is quite easy to be honest. Next time you go gym, loo for a group of teenagers clustered together wearing snap backs, fancy shorts and vans. Lift fags are usually clustered together cause they think going gym is a social event and should be treated as such. One of the biggest things lift fags do is of course lift heavy ass amounts of weight. Now I mean weight that is so heavy for them they basically can't even get it up without their mates dead lifting their tiny arms up.

Great example from my own experience in my gym. We have a group in our gym which I have taken the initiative to name "One Direction". One day while me and my cousin are working out I see in the corner of my eye One Direction being gay cunts as usual. One of them which I nicknamed "Twig" picked up a 32 kilo dumb bell and attempted to do a chest press while his fag of friend which I named "Janoskian" filmed it on his phone. Basically Twig had two friends on each side lifting his tiny arms up for him. Then this is the funny part his range of motion was so small, his elbows were barely even moving so it looked completely fucking stupid. Oh wait this ain't the end, after he finished (or his friends) doing like 4 reps...He begun to jump around like a faggot with an STD in his ass crack and screaming for joy. He ran across the gym like a headless chicken and thought he was top shit. I simply laughed my ass off while looking around to see all the other gym veterans shocked and jaw dropped in disbelief.

So yes please do not be a lift fag. If you are starting out bodybuilding, please for the love of sushi USE A WEIGHT YOU CAN LIFT!!! Do not use a large amount of weight you can not safely contract and stretch against your muscle group.

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