Saturday 29 June 2013

Whipped Motherfuckers

Alright I guess the topic at hand is quite obvious. The topic of bullshit today will be whipped motherfuckers. Now this can be either male or female but for the laughs lets concentrate on the guys this time alright?

Now in my day I have seen many couples come and go but rarely do I see males completely brainwashed and overly attached to their girlfriends. Now for the references I was one of them so I sure as hell know how it feels and looks, but hey I was like 13 so leave me alone. However the whipped motherfuckers I see these days are like 16-17 year dudes who treat woman like their Princess Peach. I see them completely engulfed in the girl. Now remember there is a clear line between being a good boyfriend and her pet.

For example creating gay ass nicknames for each other, obsessing over them like you will marry them, always trying to get their attention...Now before I continue you don't have to be in a relationship to be whipped...the amounts of time I seen guys trying all these gay tactics to try and some how manipulate the girl into magically falling in love with them is too damn high!! That's how you get put into the darkest and most horrible place of all...."THE FRIEND ZONE!" I have been in the friend zone and it suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkks. However I learn from my mistakes. So now how can you identify these whipped dudes? Just view how they act...they will treat the girl as if shes like some goddess. They will put all their happiness on that one girl. They will agree with her on anything! Like a girl can be like "I love sky diving!" and the typical whipped cunt will say "yeah me too!!" while deep inside he has some deep, dark phobia. In addition they will do anything...anything to get her attention and once they do they fuck it up by worshiping her and guess what? That's a free train ticket to Friend Zone City motherfucker! Just like the great Joker once said "Im just a dog chasing cars, I wouldn't know what to do with it once I caught it!" That's a whipped motherfucker right there...they get the girls attention then suck up...they get the girl and become her slave cause they have no direction.

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