Thursday 27 June 2013

Maurice The LG Slayer Nguyen

Okay ladies and gentleman this happy chap you see in the photo with his finger high in the sky is none other then Maurice. Its hard to describe this dude in a few sentences but I will try. I actually met Maurice for the first time during high school. Now his one of my best mates.

Now let the bullshit commence. So if you're reading this and you know Maurice you will understand how much of a sick cunt he is. In the recent years he really has become a real confident motherfucker and now is probably one of the funniest bastards I know. He is usually the one who can always troll me back or make my antics and jokes even worse by laughing his ass off in front of the poor bastard being targeted (I wonder who). Now im sure you are wondering why he is called the LG SLayer...Well dumb ass firstly its because the guy loves LG's and they love him. You can see the guy drooling at the mouth when ever he even smells one of those younglings around. Maurice has always been a happy and cheerful individual who's humor is nearly identical to mine...we both love teasing and trolling people and attending raves. Yes Maurice is my rave buddy and the guy sure loves his hardstlye. Can't wait to see this cunt pop a few pills and become a complete retard for a whole night LOL.

Now Maurice also enjoys playing some game called LOL...never played it but I have played Dota which is similar. I don't even know if the guys good at it but he seems to enjoy it. He also is a Batman fan such as myself. Now from the article so far you might get the impression Maurice is either a junkie or gamer however he is one of the smartest blokes I know. Does maths like its child play but hey we  are Asian. He also enjoys eating various foods and practices the arts of TKD and other forms of cool martial arts while maintaining his ongoing and ever present humor and joy.

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