Wednesday 26 June 2013

John The Poor Nguyen

Alright...we all have that one friend...the one who can't seem to afford anything! Not a biscuit...not a grain of rice etc. This is where my good old pal John comes into. John who is one of my best friends by the way has a spending budget tighter then a virgins vagina.

He hails from the harsh streets of cabra which he believes to be the such John has some how unbelievably contracted an African American accent!! He sounds like a straight up ghetto nigga from the hood you expect to see in movies such as Bad Boys. Its rather fucking weird to see an Asian with such a great black accent but hey if you are skeptical come on down to cabra and see! Now its also a running gag to tease John for his weird body size. John is a fucking massive dude for a guy who does not lift. His calves look like those meat things at Kabab stores which twirl around and get calved up. His hair is also quite funny since sometimes it grows into what I have many nicknames for..."Black Guy Sebastian" "Burning Bush" "Afro" "Birds nest" etc. However in some rare occasions John will completely shave his head!! Now I mean not till the point his like shinny bald but still very short. This is the point where he looks like a scary motherfucker from the ghetto with duck tape on the side of his eyes.

Now back to the money topic its a running gag in our group to tease John for his cheapness to material things. Often remarking "Im Broke MANG!" or "Why, I can just download it?". Even though John can be a little cheap sometimes that's no problem. All you need is his accent and enormous hunger to make you laugh...not to mention his shoe size which is fucking huge! So yeah bottom line is John is the quiet muscle like guy till you know him...after you know him he can be one of the fumiest yet scariest mofo's around!

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