Thursday 27 June 2013

TheAaronSon (Ruler Boy) me and this guy go way back. In fact all the way back to year 3 where we first met on the top of a dusty and dying playing field. I remember the day like it was 8 years ago. He looked like a walking stick figure and I looked like a boulder. Good juxtaposition I guess. Who ever said opposites don't attract? Well enough of that, lets just say we got well and now his basically my wingman/bestfriend/adviser etc.

Now that our origin story is done lets start with his background. Aaron is a 16 year old Cambodian boy with a love for cars and sarcasm. Now anyone who knows Aaron will immediately know his...lets say unique body structure. Long, thin and dark, its hard not to miss him. If that's not enough the guy sounds like a fucking humpback whale fucked a gorilla with a bit of depression thrown in there. Aaron didn't originally go to my primary and instead went to the primary just down the road! No wonder why when he showed up he was so shocked with all our Catholic practices. Oh yeah did I mention he is an atheist? Not that I care but its rather funny since we usually tease him about being apart of the Illuminati or being a Satan lover (HE IS NOT ONE RELAX).

On to his personality Aaron is quite straight forward while still be very complex in nature. If you don't know the guy he can be modest, quiet and conservative. Hell I have known him for ages now and he still is like that! However once you unravel the layers on top he is a nut job. Aaron has a sarcasm problem and can sometimes be a stubborn motherfucker. Yet this is balanced with his dark and in my opinion controversial humor (like mine). Its a running gag in our little group that we associate Aaron with being the dark and serious one however he really can be the biggest joker after me of course. Aaron is also known for his deep hatred of cockblocks (I wonder who) and people who are leaning too far on the feminine side (not a homophobic) He is also a devout Tumblr user and loving brother and cousin to his various relatives.  

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