Sunday 7 July 2013

Australian Accent? me?

It amazes me when ever my relatives from overseas come over to the land down under. Growing up in Australia I'm used to hearing the Australian accent so much, sometimes it feels like I can't even notice it anymore. This was not the case when my relatives from Canada came over for a holiday. First thing they noticed about me was my supposed "Australian accent" and I noticed his thick Canadian accent which sounds annoying in my opinion. This was pretty funny since he kept making me say the cheesiest lines. Examples include "That's not a knife...this is a knife!" or "Good day mate!"

This shows how foreigners can hear our accents even if we can't hear them. Like most dumb tourist he kept asking me stupid and ridiculous questions. One of them was do we ever ride kangaroos or eat shrimp on the bbq. I mean like really, how stereotypical can you get. I didn't really mind since it was fun to be interrogated by a Canadian for once. I still remember him pointing at a Koala at the zoo and screaming "omg wombat!" I nearly face palmed my hand through my skull when he said that. Its amazing to see how much foreigners love Australia's flora and fauna as well as the city landmarks.

To pay him back for the interrogation about my country I decided to do the same for him. I supplied him with some of our maple syrup and he hated it. I even gave him some Vegemite. Like most uninformed tourist he spread an excessive amount on his toast. I can still remember the vivid image of his face as he took a bite. His face seemed like it crumbled into a million pieces as he spat out every bit of the toast. I enjoyed our time together, it was mostly spent interrogating each other and making each other talk just to hear our accents. If you have not heard the Canadian accent its kinda a mix of the American accent. This is probably since his from Toronto which is more American based I believe unlike more of the French areas such as Quebec.

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