Friday 5 July 2013

Girls can be cockblocks too!?

This is truly a dark day in my life. I realized how deadly a female can be once she embraces the cockblocking science. I am still in complete shock and dismay from my first encounter with a female cockblock. I always believed girls to be too well mannered and timid to be any real threat when it comes to romance, how very wrong I was...

Allow me to walk you through my day. Recently I just finished going to the gym. I was on my way home and thought I would hang out at the park for a while. My brother was busy so I had time to kill. Anyways as I was admiring the beautiful park and all its natural goodness, I see in the corner of my eye two girls. One looked absolutely beautiful, a fairly tall Asian girl and another one for my sake I nicknamed Shrek. Tall, fat and completely rude (the irony). With my testosterone levels sky rocking I quickly raced over and started up a conversation. First both girls were a little timid however I quickly got the beautiful girl talking and enjoying our conversation. Shrek was not happy however, she was rude, fidgety and constantly shooting me dirty looks. Not like I cared, I kept ignoring her since she was being so annoying. Through the whole conversation she kept on saying "Oh lets go", "We gotta meet up with the others", "Oh its hot lets go get find some shade!". Yeah right I bet Shrek was just late for her lunch of village children. 

It finally got the point where I tried asking for the beautiful girls number. This was completely fucked up by Shrek when she started yelling at me for being a creep. Firstly her friend was clearly enjoying the conversation and was about to give me her number. Shrek was just probably hungry or jealous.

In conclusion I was learned how deadly a female cockblock can be. They are much more direct and aggressive then most males. Hopefully she does not evolve into a Peteblock :(

P.S I did not get the girls number...she let Shrek convince her to walk away :'(

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