Wednesday 3 July 2013

How to Stop a Cockblock Attack!!!

If you are reading this I applaud you for taking a stand against cockblocking! I...Jason Tran...Professor in Peteology and Cocblocking will today give you my own professional steps to repelling a cockblock. These tips are based on years of personal research I have conducted on the field, risking my own life and limb to save others like you. Now if you area lady reading this, please pay attention because this can save you one day as well.

I have conducted these experiments through real life research and personal risk. I advice nobody to take these extreme measures and be sure to obtain a PHD in Petelogy before undertaking any further field research onto Cockblocks. Now remember that cockblocks are extremely cunning and aggressive creatures. Use these tips with common sense and great care.

Step 1: Never...Never...Never ever try and blend the cockblock into your conversations!! This is exactly what the cockblock wants!

Step 2: Move you and your interest away from the cocblock as smoothly and causally as possible without arrousing your interest as this will endanger the conversation.

Step 3: Reassure and calm down your interest. He/she will probably be frightened by the awkward approach and you must maintain the level of comfort you had before hand while keeping the cockblock out of the conversation.

Step 4: Ignore the cockblock!! This is very very important as the more you ignore him the more chances he will get the message and leave you alone.

Step 5: Be upfront about your intentions if all else fails. Simply express to him/her to leave and if necessary swear and be as angry as possible.

Step 6: Signal your wingman to come to the aid! You must get help if all else fails.

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