Tuesday 2 July 2013

The Friend Zone

Alright if you're reading this I'm sure you have done time in Friend Zone City. AKA- Guy Hell..and it sure as shit lives up to its name. SO what is the friend zone? Well if you don't know let me educate you on the harsh truth. Truth is...we have all seen the Friend Zone in action through out our whole lives....Remember Ash from Pokemon? This dude was pretty much the king of the friend zone...How about Snape from Harry Potter? He was basically the God of the friend zone. Or Superman and Louis Lane??

You see the friend zone is everywhere! Trust me I have served time in the friend zone and it sucks more then being cockblocked. Yes I just said it! Worse then cockblocking. Why? Good question. Firstly the friend zone is pretty much a one way ticket. You get sent there...you pretty much can kiss your chances goodbye. Unless you magically contract Brad Pitts money and looks expect to be stuck there for good! Secondly, if you get cockblocked you still have a chance with the woman. Cause its not the woman ruining it. However in the friend zone, the woman is the person who is wearing the trousers. If she puts you in the friend zone...sorry mate.

Now legend has it that some brave men have actually escaped the friend zone. Yes...some may have escaped but they are not the majority! Want to know how to stay out of the friend zone? DON'T GET STUCK THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE! You like a girl? Go get her...don't wait cause that's going to get you friend zoned Ash Ketchum Level. 

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