Sunday 21 July 2013


Sorry for the long period of no updates but I just got back from Friend Zone City. In the midst of my incarceration I have had an extended period of time to further study not only the Peteblock but a new species which I have been exposed to. I call these new creatures "Zoners". What is a Zoner? Well lets say they are not nearly as dangerous as a Peteblock but can be just as annoying. Now to clear things up I have been a Zoner myself so I guess I have my past self to be a test dummy. However I have also come to meet many Zoners which I have been shocked to see how far they have evolved into the empty void of the Friend Zone.

It does not end there. What truly fascinates me is they're completely clueless to it! During my incarceration I have studied two Zoners in particular. For legal reasons I shall not name them. I have given them nicknames to better distinguish them. First we have "Lord Friend Zone The Not So Great". This man is the bedrock of the Friend Zone to the point he makes ME look good. He lives in his sad, lonely, dark and moist cave made of tears and lubricant and his eery cries of desperation can be heard as legend has recorded numerous times. I have not met the King however his stories of Friend Zoning make me cringe. Legend has it once the end of times comes he will be released from his prison and come out to rid the world of all that is good.

My next subject is nicknamed the "Dark Prince of the Friend Zone". Laddies and gentleman I can say confidently this man is my favorite candidate since he is so clueless about his situation. Seeing him think he has his finger on the pussy trigger is extremely amusing. Anyone who has served time in Friend Zone City like me would easily recognize these signs and move on ASAP. However he thinks these signs are his ticket into Balls Deep Valley.

I do idolize these two greatly since they remind me of the good old days...when I was 12...or 13 but you get the point. I hope one day they realize the severity of their situation before its to late...LOL jokes they already hit bedrock :D

-Jason Tran
-PHD in Bro science
-Masters Degree in bullshit
-PHD in Petelogy
-University speaker

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