Thursday 4 July 2013

Nature of the Peteblock Featuring David Attenborough

Hello, my name is Jason Tran, professor in Peteology and today it is my greatest privilege to explain to you the nature of one of the deadliest creatures known to man. The Peteblock. Throughout my research I have been able to work with the great David Attenborough. This man has been all over the world and has recently gathered key information on our research of the Peteblock.

Why do we study this magnificent and deadly creature? Easy, because it is a thrill. It is a challenge and it will one day prevent any further pain. During my exploration and study on the peteblock I have studied the diverse nature and personality of such a aggressive yet amazing creature. David would agree. He has too contributed heavily to my research and the information presented today will also be based after his amazing research.

Throughout my research there has been times I myself have been attacked. These attacks have left me with valuable information. These vicious and impulsive attacks have been the nature of not aggression, instead an attack out of male jealousy. It has reveled that these so called "aggressive creatures are no more then jealous and competitive predators. This key factor is what separates the cunning and swift Peteblock from the less advance and direct Cockblock. The Peteblock is simply much more intelligent and cunning then its less advance cousin. This is a pivotal finding which shows the evolution of what I believe to be a male genetic mutation which has developed the Peteblock far beyond its normal physical capacity. Now keep in mind the Peteblock is a natural born and cunning creature with a stealth approach. I have realized in my research that if left without any targets the Peteblock is a mere annoyance and practically harmless. However once the presence of an attractive female is present, the peteblock is quick to attack with what David Attenborough has described as "Ruthless, vicious and completely genocidal". These attacks are often quick and deadly. I have carried the scars of my attack and I can personally inform you that when provoked, a Peteblock can rapidly transition from a docile creature to what I quote "A Beast".

Peteblocks seem to enjoy rather crowded and diverse crowds. This is due to the fact that more prey is available. It is quintessential  to remember to always remember to carry a can of pepper spray when ever attending any event with attractive females who you fancy. Attractive females are the number one attraction for a hungry peteblock. Woman, make sure you always stay with a protective male who can defend you from an attack which is often fatal or life scarring.

Signs which can indicate an inevitable attack are as follow. The infamous side look. This look is what I quote as the "Look of death". If any Peteblock ever stares at you while looking side ways, you better be prepared to fight or your life. Furthermore if a Peteblock is smiling with his head tilt slightly backwards while maintaining eye contact you must be ready to run. Now if the Peteblock approaches and does not attack immediately, however begins to touch you or your love interest in any manner, be prepared to run.

Thank you for reading and remember to watch the Discovery Planet tonight when Bear Grylls goes into deep Australian parties and confronts the Peteblock! Will he survive? You don't want to miss this!!

Jason Tran- Professor in Petelogy, Expert In cockblocking science, PHD in Bro science.

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