Monday 8 July 2013

The Freeman Food chain

Freeman Catholic College. The ultimate place of learning and well behaved students who's key goal is to learn. In my opinion this is a load of well constructed bullshit. I'm not saying Freeman is a bad school by any means, what I am trying to say is that under all the fancy uniforms and clean classrooms lies a deep dark underbelly of back stabbing and dormant violence just waiting to explode.

Like every school, Freeman has many problems. What differentiates Freeman from other schools is that these conflicts are very top secret and usually occur in every year group behind closed doors. I am fortunate enough to be well antiquated with my particular year group, this provides me with a load of gossip and wisdom to know whats going on around. Before I continue, firstly I must explain the structure in my year group. The barriers between groups in my year is not particularly strong and we are pretty close. Of course we have the basics. The Asian's (my group) The wogs, the wog girls, the fat sluts, the rejects, the extra rejects, the commons and the lads (close mates of mine). Popularity is not a big deal in my year. Whats more important seems to be power and connections. The more connections you have with all the groups the more chances you will filled in on all the latest gossips and feuds which are about to erupt. Good thing for me I am well liked by the wogs and they are the link I have to much of the local gossip.

My group tends to keep to ourselves. This is good I guess as we stay out of all the drama. However a person like me who is naturally curious can't help but go out and try and connect with the rest of groups which populate the year group. Though conflict in our year group is rare, lately my year has been involved in some feuds with other year groups especially the year 12's. This has lead to numerous rumors and fights. Seems like the violence is rubbing off on the younger grades as me and the boys witnessed one morning, a pair of young year 7's or 8's punching the hell out of each other.

Like I said before Freeman under all the professional exterior lies a pool of gossip and tension. People tend to think of Freeman students as snobs and in some circumstances this is true. However this is not the majority of the population who all seem to harbor some deep, dark secrets and feuds which can erupt spontaneously without warning. There is often little build up in Freeman fights and random conflicts can be a result. I guess this is what makes Freeman not a good school, not a great school, but the best school (Mr Wooby). 

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