Saturday 6 July 2013

Violence against woman

Alright, so I was watching Tv and I saw a pretty disturbing commercial regarding violence against woman. Before I begin, if you're a guy and you have hit a girl then, shame on you. When you ever hit a girl, you are saying three things about yourself. You are not a real man, you are a complete coward and ultimately you are not in control of your emotions. We all came from a woman and hitting a woman in my opinion is like hitting life in the face. I have seen this type of violence first hand when my dad went apeshit and I can tell you now it changes you forever when you see that kind of shit. It's easy to see it on the tv and turn a blind eye, but when you see this happening before your eyes to your own mother it can really fuck you up emotionally.

That's probably why now one of my golden rules in my life is to never cross that line. There is never a reason to hit a woman out of YOUR own anger just prove a point. You're just proving what a coward you are. Now I'm going to sound a little stereotypical and sexist but men are generally stronger. I'm not saying all woman are weaker then men. I know heaps of girls who would fuck my shit up any day. However we are talking about the typical couple. The man is usually stronger and so he should protect his girl!

Basically I was raised by a typical male farther. He wanted me to be strong, brave and in control. However hitting woman is never a choice for me no matter how pissed off I get. If a girl is throwing an emotional fit and is slapping you that's bad too on her part however as the man hitting her back is never an option. You're the man, so act like one and take control of the situation properly.

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