Sunday 21 July 2013

Does the Friend Zone really exist?

The friend zone is quite a controversial topic in the male world. I myself have served time in the friend zone. The friend zone is a very mysterious place, the friend zone does not exist in reality but rather your thoughts and physical portrayal of how you reacted to the female. In order for a male to see the grim after life of a failed sexual advance on a female he must first believe he is in the friend zone or is totally unaware of his fate which is a fate worse then death. In essence what I am saying is, after serving so much time in the friend zone myself I have realized its dirty secrets which I will now for the first time share. Honestly girls do not put you in the friend zone, rather you put yourself in the friend zone. I bet you're all thinking about what I just said. Allow me to further explain this paradox.

Now its time for some tough love. When you are sexually interested in a girl you MUST let her know and make a move. There is no way around it...if you hesitate your fate is the friend zone. Most guys seem to think if they get rejected they are in the friend zone. This is completely untrue based on how you approach the situation, If you approach her with a fresh handful of roses from your mums garden and a box of lollies from Big W with all your happiness on her then she rejects you...that is how you feel crushed and feel friend zoned. She didn't put you in the friend zone, you just overacted and said she put you into the friend zone cause she simply was not interested. Now if you approach her confidently and not in a serious mood and get it over with then you will save yourself so much time. If she rejects you who cares! You're not in the friend zone and your inner confidence is boosted and she will remember you as a confident guy and maybe the next time you see her go for it again with a laugh. Better yet the painful "what if question" is no longer there to haunt you.

NOW! If you're a loser and think that this girl you like will one day magically realize how awesome your Pokemon collection is and fall in love with you, you are fucking a stupid loser. THIS IS HOW THE FRIEND ZONE IS CREATED! GUYS CREATE THE FRIEND ZONE NOT THE GIRLS! THATS WHY THERE IS SO MANY GUYS IN THE FRIEND ZONE! Here is a typical example...the guy likes this girl..he constantly hangs around with her cause he wants to fuck her but is too much of a pussy to ask her out. She assumes he wants to be friends since he is not making any moves and after years he finally makes a move and is rejected. This man put all his happiness and time on this one girl and got friend zoned years ago and now is crushed. If he simply asked her out years ago all this pain could have been avoided or he could of got her.

Perfect example from my life. I like this one girl. Absolutely gorgeous and nice girl. I obviously like her so guess what? I asked her out!! Sure I got rejected but now I know shes not interested and I am no longer asking myself "What if I asked her out?". I moved on now and I'm glad I got the chance cause I didn't put myself in the friend zone cause I tried and I didn't take the whole situation seriously.

In conclusion remember girls only have the decision to friend zone you if you give them the time! Most of the time its YOU who put yourself in the friend zone by being a pussy and not expressing your feelings. Just be the guy who likes girls and is comfortable expressing his sexuality and not being the guy who thinks his the next fucking Romeo and is willing to kill himself over a female.

P.S I once was whipped over a girl for 4 YEARS!! I got friend zoned so deep I hit bedrock.

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