Thursday 4 July 2013

Did the hyena's eat Mufasa's corpse???!!

SO there I was. Extremely bored and nostalgic from watching my favorite Disney movie, the Lion King. Everything was all fun and games till the saddest scene in movie history hit.

Mufasa being trampled to death and I swear I felt as if I wanted to cry. Go ahead call me a lil bitch. I don't care it was a fucking depressing ass scene. Poor Simba and shit trying to bite his dads ear off and shit like that. Made me feel as sad as when I was a kid. In the midst of me reaching for the tissues something hit me. Something that has made me question my childhood and ultimately made me sick to my stomach.

Did the fucking hyena's eat Mufasa's corpse! I mean think about it for a second alright? The hyena's were starving in that wasteland they lived in. They hated Mufasa. Most importantly, lions can't bury! So the most practical thing I could think of was that the hyenas ate him! So now I'm thinking about it and how this could have mentally scarred me if it was in the movie.

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