Monday 8 July 2013

Falling off a roof

Well this was an interesting morning. Started off normally and was actually going fairly well, had to go help my uncle working on a roof at this crappy house. I guess I was still a little bit dazed out from getting up so early and shoveling my breakfast down my throat in like 40 seconds. This morning fatigue sure did not help with working on a roof. Now for the record the roof was only as high as the one you see in the picture. I'm alright except for sore back and ass.

It started with me just sitting on the roof handing my uncle some supplies since he did not trust me enough to actually perform anything. He then asked me to fetch him a few nails and unfortunately I  slipped on the slippery morning dew that had built up on the roof. I'm sure the next outcome is no surprise. I slid down the roof and landed straight on my back. Lucky for me I'm a pretty dense fellow and my body didn't shatter into a million pieces. As a result I got sent home early and now here I am blogging instead working on my religion assessment.

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