Tuesday 23 July 2013

Ohhh damn she got a sexy ass personality...said no guy ever

Okay laddies and gentleman, if you believe deep down in your achy breaky heart that its love at first site then for all means keep it up. However if you have common sense continue reading. I'm sorry but when you meet someone randomly across the street and you are staring deep into each others puppy dog eyes, most of the time looks attracted you. Laddies, you can be the nicest, amazing woman in the world but if our male minds are not physically attracted then its going to be hard to for us to gain any interest! I'm not saying you have to be Miranda Kerr but at-least respect yourself enough to know that looks do play a factor in the introduction. This is mainly since in my opinion and research, guys seem to care more about looks then woman do. Basically I'm saying guys are more shallow and I'm a pretty good candidate.

For the record I'm am not glorifying being a slut or bitch, instead I'm am encouraging a more realistic mindset when it comes to attraction. If you walk around looking like Krusty The Clown then don't be surprised if guys don't turn your way. Same goes for us dudes, if we walk around looking like something out of Walking Dead same shit applies!  

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