Friday 5 July 2013

Gay Music in the Gym :(

Music is essential in any athletes performance in the gym. In addition music is essential in everyday life, especially when you're pumping some heavy ass iron, the last thing you need to hear in the background is "THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!!" I mean thank you for the compliment, but really that's not exactly going to boost my testosterone levels.

Its even worse when you look around and see every bodies faces in disbelief. I remember this one time when Niki Minaj's song Space ships played. "Lets go to the beach, lets go get away!" Yeah that shit.
Anyways I remember seeing everybody laughing and smirking because of how awkward the atmosphere became because of such a gay, annoying song. Personally, I don't really mind these artist outside of the gym, however if I'm trying to train hard, that music makes my estrogen levels sky rocket. Why? I have to admit that song by One Direction, "One Thing" gets stuck in my head every time I hear it, unfortunately this makes me keep tapping my feet and bobbing my head to it since its so damn catchy!! 

I was thinking of making a workout track for my gym to play. I'm sure many of the other guys would enjoy that, not sure about the laddies though. It does not seem right to play such teenage music in a gym where nearly everyone can't fit through a normal door. This only leads to everyone staring at eachother to see who will be the next to sing the Gangnam Style chorus.

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