Sunday 7 July 2013

Rave's are so fun :)

I must admit in all my days, nothing is more fun then attending a rave with your best mates. I remember seeing my brother and cousins attending raves all the time while I was younger. I never knew what the big was about. This quickly changed when I begun to get into hardstyle and hardcore. The music was awesome, still I wondered how fun can a rave be?

The very first rave I attended was pretty shit. Sure it had cool lights and big name dj's present such as HeadHunterz and WildStylz, however I still didn't get the real feeling that I was at a real event. Lucky for me in 2012 I was fortunate enough to attend Bass Control with my best mates Maurice and John. From that night on I became obsessed with raves. It really opened my eyes to actually how crazy these events are. The blinding lights, wet chicks and ear bursting music instantly had me hooked. Bass Control is probably the best rave I have attended so far. It was followed closely behind by Masters of Hardcore. This was a killer of an event. After the event I can promise you my ears were about to burst. Nine hours of the loudest music I have ever heard surely nearly made me deaf. In the following months I attended yet another rave with a group of my mates called Supernova. This is was a small rave, it still packed quite a punch and left me craving for more. Some of the best Dj's in the world were there and nothing beat seeing all the munted cunts everywhere.

Now I'm sure it is no surprise that there is drugs present at any rave. I have been offered weed, ecstasy and my mate was offered some inhaler drug. I did not take any of these drugs. Its important to remember that people at raves are actually very friendly and a simple "no thanks" works wonders. Just relax and enjoy the rave atmosphere and I promise you will learn to love raves too.

I currently am dying to go to Defqon, StereoSonic and more Bass Control events.

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