Thursday 4 July 2013

Intimidated by beautiful girls???

Yes, she's heard it all, she's seen it all, and she's felt it all. All the vibes of lust and longing perpetually projected at her. So she's usually more than a little bit jaded. And the power she wields is mind-boggling. She's also well aware of the immense power she wields.

That's what most guys these days believe. Sure it might be true. However this is a completely irrational and stupid mind set to be in. I don't blame you if you believe this because I was like this too at a stage! Many guys look a beautiful girl and immediately think shes superior then they are! They think shes some immortal goddess of supreme power. This is by far the worst mind set you can be in. I'll explain why and some tips to help you get over this.

Next time you feel intimidated by a beautiful girl remember these few things okay? Remember that under all that beauty and sexiness, shes only human. Remember that she sweats, pisses, cries, swears, smells and shits just like YOU! and every other freaking human being! Shes not some perfect creature which is abolished of any kinds of mistakes! Yes I said she shits! Woman do poop okay? Its not a myth! Remember this beautiful creature you are pissing your pants about, sometimes gets really bad food poisoning and absolutely destroys the toilet!! Remember this beautiful creature sometimes has horrible, bad body odor. Remember she has a family life and is not always this center of attention beauty queen you think she is.

Come from this mind set and you will see there is nothing scary about these girls. If they act all stuck up and perfect then well, they are not worth your time! Deep, deep, deep down they know they had that bad curry last week and bombed the toilet, they know they drank too much last weekend and vomited everywhere. They have gross things too! So do not treat them like they are a billion dollars!

Now this ain't no excuse for going out now and treating woman like trash. You always treat EVERYBODY with respect. Regardless of looks, race, gender etc. Just don't be intimated by stupid things and go for what you want!

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