Tuesday 2 July 2013

Post Trauma Stress Syndrome of Cockblocking

If you are reading this I am truly sorry for the unbearable pain you must have experienced by the hands of a cockblock. I myself Jason Tran. Professor in Petelogy and Cockblocking can assure you, I have experienced it just like you. I have survived countless cockblocking attacks by the deadliest that cockblocking can throw at me. These attacks have left me scarred and I understand the pain you have gone through. Like many who have been a victim of this ruthless crime you may feel as if you will never recover. However I will in this article explain some tips you can use to get over this issue as well as further information on this horrible mental scar.

Symptoms can be quite diverse based on the mental will and experience of the victim. Young victims may be eternally scarred till they are old enough to some how get professional help. Basic symptoms include, anxiety in public, fear of other males, distrustful attitude to other males, depression and anger.

When I was cockblocked I remember the post trauma I experienced. It took many months of rehabilitation to fully recover and use what I have learned to study these deadly creatures. I can promise you this. It is possible to regain yourself from a bad experience. You need to surround yourself with your best male bro's. You need to go out and speak to more woman. You need to reassure yourself that deep down you can recover and come back stronger. 

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