Thursday 4 July 2013

Getting Tea Bagged on the Bench Press In the Gym

So today was chest day. Yes the holy day of bodybuilding and the bench is the chapel. Today, that temple has been desecrated! I was on my last set. yes the set which feels the heaviest and most dangerous. I was without my lift buddy so I had to recruit some additional help from my fellow gym rats. I was careful in selecting my spotter because if they fuck up, my neck will be gone. So after a few minutes of fake stretching I see this other bloke near me. He seemed nice and big enough to spot me safety

Now that I had my spotter I was ready to hit my last set. I gathered up all my remaining strength and pressed the bar. I started out fine, got least 7 reps by myself before my muscles started becoming jelly. That's when my good old friend started to perform squats on my face! It smelt like rotten cheese and metal. I was doing my last rep so all my focus was on getting that weight up so it does not kill me! As a result my eyes were fixated in one direction. Up into the deep crack which contains his nut sack. Now I will add the shorts he was wearing were tighter then a virgins vagina. I could practically see every detail in his groin area as he slowly squatted on my face and making my eyes water like they were fucking onions. So he spotted me for two reps and the last rep was the worse. I had to hold my breath and try not to laugh as his nut sack dangled like fish hook above my eyes. I kid you not they nearly touched my glasses. So after I finished with my set we said our goodbyes and I quickly went to the bathroom to let out all the laughs I was holding in as well as get some fresh air!

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