Sunday 7 July 2013

When you think the bass drops and you begin dancing when it didn't even drop :'(

This has to be one of the most awkward outcomes you can possibly commit during your life at some stage. It's like the feeling when you walk into the wrong class room, or when you talk to yourself in public only to realize everyone thinks you're mentally challenged. I can however assure you this feeling is far worse.

Try and remember back to the last party or rave you attended. Try and remember that amazing and sensual build up to what you believe will be a dirty drop. Everything seems awesome till you think the bass is just about to drop its nuts. Then boom! You begin gabbering like a retard while the drop has not even dropped yet. Everyone is looking at you in disbelief and total pity. You only realize a few seconds later only to be humiliated for the rest of the party based on how long you were dancing to nothing. This has happened to me a few times. Its actually worse sometimes when the entire party begins dancing at the wrong time. You see everyone dancing like retards to nothing and it can actually be quite entertaining. As a result this will make the entire party atmosphere awkward as a retard doing a Rubik's cube.

It's not too bad when you do this at a rave because everyone is usually too munted or distracted to realize. However if you are at a party with mates, you can reaffirm yourself that you will be humiliated. Its not however the end of the world. You can quickly change the awkwardness directed at you through saying 'FUCK!" This will make most people laugh and forgive you. Just don't expect any miracles with some people who will hound you for a while for dropping your nuts at the wrong time.

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