Sunday 7 July 2013

Competitiveness in the family

To begin with I'm a pretty competitive person, in most cases especially when it comes strength or making deals on who can get the highest mark. I also have a pretty competitive nature with my older brother and dad. Being raised in a strictly masculine house hold has made me accustomed to constantly trying to out perform my brother in any way. This was present when I raced my brother to see who can get to the petrol station first to get the milk for breakfast. That did not end good, since my brother was a lot fitter then me back then. However this morning we had a big fight over who will take out the clothes. In my house hold I'm always the guy who has to do most of the work around the house. So how do we settle this argument? Easy, with a arm wrestle to see who will win and who will lose.

The match was fairly easy since I'm stronger then my brother. However he challenged me to push-ups and this was unfair since he knew my shoulders were still sore from my last workout. I'm usually not the type to back down, especially from a display of strength. So we took turns doing pushups and I was able to inch out 43 while he inched out 47. I lost of course and even though I won the original agreement of arm wrestling I had to put out the clothes. I guess it was easier then the time I arm wrestled my dad and he nearly broke my arm in the process of a grueling 3 minute arm wrestle. Yes I lost that too, however it was fun to put up a challenge to the old man for once.

The only person I'm probably afraid of going head to head with is my mum, any Vietnamese kid would understand how scary a pissed off Vietnamese mum can get once you set them off on a eternal yelling spree. Funny how I remember the time I challenged my mum to a cook off to see who can make the nicest Canh Chua. I'm pretty sure that's how you write it, anyways its the sour soup with lots of vegetables and fish in it, yummy. That turned out to be  complete disaster when my soup looked like something you would expect to get in McDonald's on crack and my mums tasted beautiful. I guess being competitive just runs in the family. Hopefully one day I can beat the old man in his own game of a good arm wrestle.

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