Monday 1 July 2013

Simba The Calculator Ngyuen

Alright I get it, his names Simba...yes the same one after Simba from the Lion King. Don't worry I too was mesmerized by his completely amazing name when I first met him during high school and now his one of my best friends/adviser/tutor.

Simba...all I can say is he has a very complex and diverse personality which I am still getting the hang of. However in a nut shell Simba is probably one of the most loyal friends I got. He is a man of integrity and is not afraid to show his own stance and personal beliefs. I respect this among anything. He at times when we are all relaxing is always a clown. Quick to make jokes and pull funny poses in various photos. In saying this however he can quickly go from Simba to Mufasa in a blink of an eye and give out what I believe to be rock solid words of wisdom and kindness.

He was actually one of the first people who welcomed me into the group and was always willing to help and support me from the start. All in all Simba is a man of integrity and is a fantastic bro. Now this is not all. Simba is probably the most gifted person I know in the field of mathematics. I have never seen a person so passionate and good at maths in my life. He can literally solve nearly any problem in front of him and is very smart in other subjects too. Simba enjoys a wide variety of activities such as gaming, bike riding, used to be a good martial artist, attempting to cook, solving a rubics cube in like 20 seconds and playing a nice game of cards or showing off his multiple magic tricks which leave a crowd in shock (including me). 

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